What programming languages to learn for web development


People often begin by learning HTML and CSS. Why? These two languages are essential for creating static web pages. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) structures all the text, links, and other content you see on a website. CSS is the language that makes a web page look the way it does—color, layout, and other the visuals we call style. Why not just start with HTML and CSS? You may not be interested in creating content for the Web. As I said earlier, you can do a lot with code, and the Web is just part of it. However, if you are interested making websites, definitely start with HTML and CSS.


JavaScript is the first full programming language for many people. Why? It is the logical next step after learning HTML and CSS. JavaScript provides the behavior portion of a website. For example, when you see a form field indicate an error, that’s probably JavaScript at work. JavaScript has become increasingly popular, and it now lives outside web browsers as well. Learning JavaScript will put you in a good place as it becomes a more general-purpose language. JavaScript seems to be everywhere lately.

Wade Christensen

The Top Mental Benefits of Sports

Sports improve your mood

Want a burst of happiness and relaxation? Get involved in a physical activity. Whether you are playing sports, working out at a gym, or taking a brisk walk, physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed. Team sports in particular provide a chance to unwind and engage in a satisfying challenge that improves your fitness. They also provide social benefits by allowing you to connect with teammates and friends in a recreational setting.

Sports improve your concentration

Regular physical activity helps keep your key mental skills sharp as you age. This includes critical thinking, learning, and using good judgment. Research has shown that doing a mix of aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities is especially helpful. Participating in this kind of activity three to five times a week for at least 30 minutes can provide these mental health benefits.

Sports reduce stress and depression

When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily stressors. This can help you avoid getting bogged down by negative thoughts. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body. At the same time, it stimulates production of endorphins. These are natural mood lifters that can keep stress and depression at bay. Endorphins may even leave you feeling more relaxed and optimistic after a hard workout.

Kathryn Watson